Green Tips

Green Cleaning Tips

Many businesses have begun requesting green cleaning practices as a way to align their values with many of their environmentally friendly consumers and clients.

Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

A good first step when transitioning to green cleaning involves switching your typical toxic cleaning products for healthy green options. Today, the options available for green cleaning are more effective and more abundant than ever before.

From new, low-phosphate detergents and scrubs to recycled paper products, businesses have the ability and numerous products available to improve the overall impact on the environment while making sure performance standards are maintained.

Other Green Practices

There are other simple steps that will help your business make a bigger impact in protecting the environment, including:

  • Open windows or run fans during the cleaning process to improve indoor air quality
  • Provide recycling bins next to trash receptacles
  • Turn off lights when not using them, and especially at nights and on weekends
  • Unplug any unnecessary, unused electrical equipment

Request Green Cleaning from CleanNet USA

At CleanNet USA, our independent operators have the experience and knowledge to help your business become an eco-friendly organization that consumers want to patronize and employees want to work for.

To request a cleaning service proposal or additional information, please contact us today by calling or filling 800.735.8838 out this brief request for proposal form

To request a cleaning service proposal or additional information, please contact us today by calling or filling 800.735.8838 out this brief request for proposal form.

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